We visited the grandmother from Lavu, it was a long walk. She lives in a very nice region.
The “University of Arusha” had a very big graduation party.
We had a big BBQ, the plan was to make it outside but it was rainy, so we eat inside.
The Children say “AHSANTE SANA BABA MAX” from ADRA for this wonderful day!
On this weekand we borrowed us the Van from ADRA so we drove on Saturday to a Seven-Days-Adventist Church in Arusha.
…So we had a small “water-battle”! It was so funny and all kids were very happy! Thomas, Evelyn, Ariel and Mariala were the chiefs!
Laughing children is a blessing! Vero
Playing together with Ariel…
“Fun time”….. a wheelbarrow full of kids
Some impressions to be together with the kids… Evelyn with kids in haus 2